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Vanm de Site van Groenlinks Boxtel:

Ze balen ervan dat het schaliegas in Tsjechie en Roemenie niet gewonnen gaat worden, hebben zich totaal niet verdiept in wat Kraken inhoud (fracking) en geloven *blind* in wat de lobbyisten van Chevron ze wijsmaken…

Dergelijke signalen zijn verontrustend voor Polen, dat over schaliegasreserves beschikt van naar schatting 2.000 miljard kubieke meter [waarvan 346 à 768 miljard kubieke meter gewonnen kan worden, red.]. Die reserves behoren tot de grootste van Europa en zouden ons onafhankelijk kunnen maken van de gasleveranties van Gazprom [een Russische energiegigant, red.], (chevron sponsored site)

Hydrochloric Acid 007647-01-0 Helps dissolve minerals and initiate cracks in the rock Acid

Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl-Phosphonium Sulfate 055566-30-8 Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products Biocide
Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate is toxic to freshwater alga and freshwater invertebrates. Therefore, label instructions are required to protect these organisms and to minimize exposure to the aquatic environment.

Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate may enter the environment after it is used as a slimicide in oilfield operations and evaporative cooling towers.

Magnesium Peroxide 014452-57-4 Allows a delayed break down the gel Breaker
Magnesiumperoxide is het peroxide van magnesium. De stof komt voor als een wit kristallijn poeder, dat onoplosbaar is in water. Het is een sterke oxidator.
Het wordt ingezet om contaminaties in grondwater te verminderen.
(maar volgens Chevron was er toch geen comntact met het grondwater ???

Formic Acid 000064-18-6 Prevents the corrosion of the pipe Corrosion Inhibitor
Mierenzuur, een van de eerste zuren bekend om zijn werking in de 15de eeuw al…

Acetaldehyde 000075-07-0 Prevents the corrosion of the pipe Corrosion Inhibitor

Petroleum Distillate 064741-85-1 Carrier fluid for borate or zirconate crosslinker Crosslinker
Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate 064742-47-8 Carrier fluid for borate or zirconate crosslinker Crosslinker
Potassium Metaborate 013709-94-9 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Triethanolamine Zirconate 101033-44-7 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Sodium Tetraborate 001303-96-4 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Boric Acid 001333-73-9 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Zirconium Complex 113184-20-6 Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Borate Salts N/A Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases Crosslinker
Ethylene Glycol 000107-21-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Crosslinker
Methanol 000067-56-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Crosslinker

Polyacrylamide 009003-05-8 “Slicks” the water to minimize friction Friction Reducer
Petroleum Distillate 064741-85-1 Carrier fluid for polyacrylamide friction reducer Friction Reducer
Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate 064742-47-8 Carrier fluid for polyacrylamide friction reducer Friction Reducer
Methanol 000067-56-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Friction Reducer
Ethylene Glycol 000107-21-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Friction Reducer

Guar Gum 009000-30-0 Thickens the water in order to suspend the sand Gelling Agent
Petroleum Distillate 064741-85-1 Carrier fluid for guar gum in liquid gels Gelling Agent
Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate 064742-47-8 Carrier fluid for guar gum in liquid gels Gelling Agent
Methanol 000067-56-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Gelling Agent
Polysaccharide Blend 068130-15-4 Thickens the water in order to suspend the sand Gelling Agent
Ethylene Glycol 000107-21-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Gelling Agent

Citric Acid 000077-92-9 Prevents precipitation of metal oxides Iron Control
Acetic Acid 000064-19-7 Prevents precipitation of metal oxides Iron Control
Thioglycolic Acid 000068-11-1 Prevents precipitation of metal oxides Iron Control
Sodium Erythorbate 006381-77-7 Prevents precipitation of metal oxides Iron Control

Lauryl Sulfate 000151-21-3 Used to prevent the formation of emulsions in the fracture fluid Non-Emulsifier
Isopropanol 000067-63-0 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Non-Emulsifier
Ethylene Glycol 000107-21-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Non-Emulsifier

Sodium Hydroxide 001310-73-2 Adjusts the pH of fluid to maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers pH Adjusting Agent
Potassium Hydroxide 001310-58-3 Adjusts the pH of fluid to maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers pH Adjusting Agent
Acetic Acid 000064-19-7 Adjusts the pH of fluid to maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers pH Adjusting Agent
Sodium Carbonate 000497-19-8 Adjusts the pH of fluid to maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers pH Adjusting Agent
Potassium Carbonate 000584-08-7 Adjusts the pH of fluid to maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers pH Adjusting Agent

Copolymer of Acrylamide and Sodium Acrylate 025987-30-8 Prevents scale deposits in the pipe Scale Inhibitor
Sodium Polycarboxylate N/A Prevents scale deposits in the pipe Scale Inhibitor
Phosphonic Acid Salt N/A Prevents scale deposits in the pipe Scale Inhibitor

Lauryl Sulfate 000151-21-3 Used to increase the viscosity of the fracture fluid Surfactant
Ethanol 000064-17-5 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Surfactant
Naphthalene 000091-20-3 Carrier fluid for the active surfactant ingredients Surfactant
Methanol 000067-56-1 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Surfactant
Isopropyl Alcohol 000067-63-0 Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent. Surfactant
2-Butoxyethanol 000111-76-2 Product stabilizer Surfactant

One of the problems associated with identifying chemicals is that some chemicals have multiple names. For example Ethylene Glycol (Antifreeze) is also known by the names Ethylene alcohol; Glycol; Glycol alcohol;

Hydrochloric Acid: Walmend Zoutzuur, primaire agent om de Leisteen te vergassen tot Methaan
Glykol: U weet wel die “Alcohol” die aan wijn toegevoegd werd om hem zoeter te maken 🙁

Waarom doen Politici niet *zelf* een beetje hun best om na te denken en onderzoek te doen, er is feitenmateriaal te over, en we hebben zelf Gas te over, zelfs onder de Grachtengordel…

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